Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Cool Beans

Instead of physical therapy, today Seth visited the gait lab for two hours of assessment and testing. The purpose of the testing is to give physical therapists and prosthetists more information to do their jobs better and help amputees see what they can do differently to improve their gait. This becomes even more important when they begin to do more complex activities such as skiing, running, etc.

The researchers put markers over Seth in key points so that dozens of cameras would pick up the markers as he walked. Then the cameras feed that information into a computer which creates a digital image of Seth for analysis. (In this photo, notice his tummy scar. Hard to believe it was once three- to four-inches wide! I also realized his belly button is now off-center.)
The computer-generated Seth

The day held more bright spots: Seth hit 140 pounds (w/the help of the prosthesis and TSF), it was Ethan's 25th birthday, the Freedom Alliance presented us a check for a generous amount of money to help with expenses incurred while Seth is recovering, and Bob arrived to spend Thanksgiving with us! We have much to be thankful for!

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