Monday, November 21, 2011

Role Reversal

So in our strange world, Seth has gone to the hospital this morning because he is not sick, and I am staying home because I am sick. I got sick on Saturday and spent most of the day in bed. Seth knew it was serious when I didn't bug him to get out and do something, and especially when I didn't go to the Italian Embassy for the third annual Wounded Warriors tribute concert that evening.

He got himself up and ready, made me tomato soup and toast, and cleaned up the kitchen. He offered to bring me water, broth, ginger ale; in short, he was a very good nurse.

The highlight of the weekend was a visit to Sally and Bill's Sunday evening for dinner, some recreational therapy with their puppy Ginny and just overall good times and goofiness.

Zoe and Seth have fun with aluminum foil.

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