Monday, July 25, 2011

External Fixators

This the external fixator on Seth's right leg between his knee and his foot. He has another fixator--with only two bars--on his pelvis. The external fixators allow the surgeons to make adjustments to the setting of the bones and are much more secure than simple casting. Because of the pelvic fixator, Seth is able to move; without it, not so much.

I am thinking about the external fixators metaphorically at the moment--thinking how Seth--and I--can't heal on our own, how we need external fixators of friends, family, nurses, doctors, and on and on to provide the stability and course for our healing.

Today we had a visit from a friend from Ogden. She brought goodies for Seth, as advised by her 3-year-old son (an Elmo smoothie, for example) and some goodies including a hand massage me, but what I appreciated most was her time. She simply sat with us for several hours while the hospital routine waxed and waned around us. She has probably never been compared to an external fixator before, but today, to me, that's exactly what she was.


  1. Pat and I have thought of you everyday since we heard of Seth's accident. We pray daily and are so thankful for the daily updates on your family. We are so touched by your honesty and willingness to share some very sensitive information.

    We are here waiting for further instrutions or help that we can provide.

    Kindest regards,
    Scott and Pat H.

  2. I hope all the cards have started arriving for Seth and Brian. They should be coming to you from all over the country. So many prayers are being lifted up for their continued healing.

  3. GPC Medical (US FDA 510 (k) approved) is a star exporter house certified by government of India. We are a reputed indian external fixator device manufacturer company of india. We are worldwide exporter of orthopaedic external fixators from India. Know more about our external fixator devices
