Sunday, July 17, 2011

Finally, a Day of Rest

Seth has not slept for any extended period of time since he got here—and probably since the injury. Today he slept deeply and soundly for several hours at a time. Now, if we can just get him to be able to eat. Another surgery is scheduled for tomorrow.

This process is not unlike having a new baby, but instead of having a perfect new little body to nurture and care for, we have a broken body. A baby must be fed, bathed, held and talked to, and parents can usually do these things themselves. Seth requires all of this, but it requires teams of experts and specialists in a dozen fields. We again cheered at his first smile and laughed at his first words; we rejoice when we finally are able to make him comfortable and watch over him when he’s asleep. Our purpose is, once again, to make him independent of us.

Random Inspirational Story:
My shuttle driver tonight is from Liberia. He, his mom and seven siblings escaped a brutal civil war there 20 years ago and made it to the US ten years ago. As a young teen, he had to care for his siblings while his mother arranged to bring the rest of them over. Now they all have attended or are attending college. Once a year, they get together to remind themselves to make the most of the opportunities available to them in this “great nation.” I told him he looks as if he’s doing well; he replied, “I’m trying. It’s difficult, but I want to make a positive outcome from my struggles.” Don’t we all. It is my greatest prayer for Seth and our family.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the daily updates about your family. I am so glad to hear that Seth was finally able to sleep. I hope you have been able to as well. Like every day, you are all in my prayers. I'll share a random thought with you - the Angel Moroni was placed atop the Brigham City Temple the other day. I like to think that angels are watching over all of us too.
